OK, I get it. 99.9% of people don’t read the EULA. So, The new Zune software update minimizes the space used by the EULA in the installer/upgrader:
Notice the scroll bar. It’s really not practical to read at that size. The window isn’t resizable, and it does not provide a quick link to an online version of the document.
Not to be thwarted by this evil EULA dialog, I printed it to PDF first:
The text is gray (grey):
Although easier to read because I can read it without scrolling, the light colored text makes it exhausting to do so.
Thinking it was maybe a Print to PDF fluke, I tried the XPS printer:
No better.
Back to the Zune software installer.
I tried to highlight the text in the text field. No. It’s actually not a text field, so none of the standard keyboard or mouse tricks work (it’s using DirectX). Even SnagIt 10 (which has an autoscroll feature for scrollable regions) couldn’t get the text. (See DirectX problem above).
I’m not going to waste a piece of paper to show how it prints as light colored gray text.
The old license is here:
After copying the text from the PDF to the clipboard, pasting into notepad, and manually scanning a few lines, I can say with certainty that the EULA linked above does not match the new EULA. In fact, it’s not even close. The new EULA appears to be more appropriately worded as free downloadable software, whereas the older license read more like a EULA that would be associated with Microsoft Word.